Friday, February 12, 2016

Adult Education During Lent

The adult class featuring a DVD discussion on Vanishing Grace by Philip Yancey began in February and will finish on March 13th. 
Have you wondered why the church stirs up such negative feelings in some people these days?  Phillip Yancey has been asking this all his life as a journalist. His perennial question is more relevant now than ever: research shows that favorable opinions of Christianity have plummeted drastically and opinions of evangelicals have taken even deeper dives. Yet while opinions about Christianity are dropping, interest in spirituality is rising. Why the disconnect? Why are so many asking, “What’s so good about the Good News?”In Vanishing Grace, Yancey shows the desperate need our world has for grace, and how Christians can truly make the Gospel good news again.
In this video-based small group Bible study, participants will explore what kind of news is good to a culture that thinks it has rejected the Christian version. Wading deep into the transformative power of grace, they will hear illuminating stories of how faith can be expressed in ways that disarm even the most cynical.
On two Sundays, March 6 and 13, Alex Ruzanic - our own Director of Youth and Outreach Ministries - will tackle some of the basic biblical and theological topics that we bring to the table in our normal confirmation class curriculum.  They are timeless basics that all Christians and Presbyterians specifically should know.   Join us so we can explore these topics together and hear each other across generations.  
On March 20th is your chance to hear about the Haiti Mission Trip from Alex Ruzanic and Carolyn Leah, along with the entire Haiti Mission Team.  They will share pictures and inspiring stories from their experience in February.  This combined class if for older children, youth, and adults.
If you haven’t been to an Adult Discipleship class, why not join us in the new year?  Childcare and children’s classes are offered for all ages during the Discipleship Hour. 

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